Modify Evidence

The modify evidence process allows a user to update evidence information for an active or in edit evidence record.

As with the insert evidence process, the modify evidence process specifies the evidence type and passes control to the evidence controller. The evidence controller retrieves evidence information for the evidence record from both the custom evidence entity table and the evidence descriptor table. This information is displayed to the user wishing to modify it. While most of the information retrieved from the custom evidence entity table is modifiable, the information retrieved from the evidence descriptor table cannot be modified with the exception of the evidence received date, change received date, and effective date.

Once the user saves the evidence changes, the evidence controller validates the evidence which can result in warnings and/or errors. The evidence solution provides two validations to support the approval check process which are called during an enactment of the modify evidence process. One validation is used to warn users that their modifications are being made to a piece of evidence which is currently awaiting approval. The second validation is used to stop a user from changing evidence that has been approved and is ready for activation.

The modify evidence process continues in one of two directions. If the changes apply to active evidence, the evidence controller inserts a new evidence record which contains the modified evidence. The evidence controller labels the modified evidence as either an evidence correction or an evidence succession (see Evidence Correction and Succession). Alternatively, if the changes apply to in edit evidence, the existing evidence record is updated and no new evidence record is created.

The evidence controller then adds an entry to the evidence changes history table. This entry captures information regarding the modifications made to the evidence record. The evidence controller completes the process of modifying evidence by calling out to an evidence hook. This hook enacts any additional steps required to modify the evidence based on business requirements.