Insert Evidence

The insert evidence process is used to capture evidence information for an evidence type. The result is a new evidence record with an in edit status. The first step to inserting a new evidence record is to specify the evidence type and pass control to the evidence controller. Any user wishing to insert new evidence is presented with an insert screen unique to the evidence type.

When the user selects to save the evidence information, the evidence controller validates the information. These validations can be warnings or errors. For example, the income evidence type requires an income amount greater than zero for all new records. If an amount of zero is entered, then the system will not insert the new income evidence record. If all validations succeed, the evidence information is stored for the new evidence record.

The second step to inserting a new evidence record occurs when the evidence controller creates an evidence descriptor record. The evidence descriptor record includes the correction set ID and succession ID for the piece of evidence, its status (in edit), the case ID, and the participant ID for the participant to whom the evidence applies. The evidence descriptor entity is described in Evidence Descriptor.

The third step only occurs if the new evidence record is a child of a parent evidence record. The evidence controller creates an evidence relationship record to acknowledge the relationship between the parent evidence record and its new child.

The next step is the insertion of an entry into the evidence change history table. This is the first entry in the evidence change history as it captures the actual creation of the evidence.

The final step to inserting a new evidence record is to call out to an evidence hook. This hook enacts any additional steps additional steps required to insert a new evidence record based on business requirements for an evidence type.