What Can You Configure?

The following table lists the plan item attributes that are important from a configuration perspective.
Table 1. Plan Item Configuration Items
Attribute Description
Reference This is a user entered reference number for the plan item. This is required in order to identify the plan item if it must be referenced from any other business processing, e.g. from a rule set to impose sanctions if the plan item has not been completed successfully.
Type The plan item type, e.g. Mileage Reimbursement plan item, Child Care Plan item etc. This is used to identify the type of plan item. Cúram Service Planning allows the user to link a plan item with a process/set of processes that should be undertaken in response to an event associated with the plan item or service plan. For example, a sample work flow is provided, which is enacted when a plan item of a type that has been associated to a Product Delivery is approved. This work flow contains a set of steps which, when executed, result in the creation of a product delivery case. The value of the type field is used as a transition condition in the service plan work flow to determine the path that the work flow should follow. If a customer implements custom code to undertake functionality defined for a plan item that they have created and the functionality must be invoked in response to a service plan event (e.g. plan item approval), then the required activities (or work flow) must be added to the appropriate service plan work flow.
Associated With This optional field defines the type of object (product delivery, assessment, integrated case etc) that a service plan is associated with and is used to support integration between that object and the plan item. The first release of Cúram Service Planning includes integration between a plan item and a product delivery. Therefore, if the plan item results in the creation of a product delivery, in order to allow the plan item (and the service plan) and the product delivery to share information the value of this field must be set to Product Delivery.
Approval Required This field is used to define whether the plan item requires approval. If this flag is set, a plan item of this type will be created with an initial status of Unapproved. However, if this flag is not set, then the plan item will be created with an initial status of Not Started.
Create Page Name The name of the UIM page that is used to create a plan item of the type specified. As stated above, to meet the diverse requirements of plan items the customer must be able to extend Cúram Service Planning to add their own types of plan item. To support this, the customer must enter the name of the page used to create the plan item. The Cúram Service Planning framework includes pages that are used to identify the type of plan item that a user would like to add to a service plan. Once a user has selected a type of plan item, a resolve script is invoked that retrieves this create page name value for the plan item and opens the associated Java Server Page (JSP).
Create Page Plan Item ID Parameter Name This is the name of the parameter declared for the UIM page specified by the Create Page Name field (see above). This parameter identifies the service planning administration PlanItem record that defines the type of plan item to be added to the service plan. The value for this parameter is passed from the Create Plan Item Resolve Script to the UIM page that is used to create a new plan item.
Create Page Sub Goal ID Parameter Name This is the name of the parameter declared for the UIM page specified by the Create Page Name field (see above). This parameter is used to identify the sub-goal to which the plan item is to be added. The value for this parameter is passed from the Create Plan Item Resolve Script to the UIM page that is used to create a new plan item.
Modify Page Name The name of the UIM page that is used to modify a plan item of the type specified. On selection of a plan item for modification by a user, the service plan framework invokes the Modify Plan Item Resolve Script. This script uses the unique identifier for the plan item (this is the plannedItemID attribute of the PlannedItem record that is created when an instance of a plan item type is added to a service plan and should not be confused with the planItemID attribute of the PlanItem record that is used to define the plan item type) to determine the value of this field and then redirects the user to the specified page.
Modify Page Plan Item Parameter Name This is the name of the parameter declared for the UIM page specified by the Modify Page Name field (see above) that must be set to the unique identifier for the plan item (this is the value of the plannedItemID attribute of the appropriate PlannedItem record). The value for this parameter is passed from the Modify Plan Item Resolve Script to the UIM page that is used to modify the plan item.
View Page Name The name of the UIM page that is used to view the details of a plan item. On selection of a plan item for viewing by a user, the service plan framework invokes the View Plan Item Resolve Script. This script uses the unique identifier for the plan item (this is the plannedItemID attribute of the PlannedItem record that is created when an instance of a plan item type is added to a service plan and should not be confused with the planItemID attribute of the PlanItem record that is used to define the plan item type) to determine the value of this field and then redirects the user to the specified page.
Modify Page Plan Item Parameter Name This is the name of the parameter declared for the UIM page specified by the View Page Name field (see above) that must be set to the unique identifier for the plan item (this is the value of the plannedItemID attribute of the appropriate PlannedItem record). The value for this parameter is passed from the Modify Plan Item Resolve Script to the UIM page that is used to modify the plan item.

From the above table it can be seen that a customer can define their own pages and functionality to create and maintain plan items. This allows Cúram Service Planning to support the diverse nature of plan items. However, plan items are typically about more than just a placeholder on a plan; there is usually an activity or task that must be undertaken. This is analogous to tasks on a standard project plan; the task on the plan describes the work that has to be done and how long it will take, however it is not the work itself. This is a separate activity that is undertaken outside of the plan. The result of this activity may be recorded on the plan, but the work is not done as part of the plan. This is where Cúram Service Planning differs from standard task orientated project planning. The work associated with the plan item may be completely or in some part undertaken by the system. Therefore there is not the same degree of separation between a plan item and the work to which it refers as there is for a task on a standard project plan. Cúram Service Planning includes a number of features to support the association between a plan item and the activities that must be undertaken in respect of it.