New System Properties

The following are the system properties related to the 'service' and 'custom service' type of plan items.

Table 1. System properties for 'service' and 'custom service' type plan items.
Name Default


(Used for validation of ent mods attributes)

This field is used for validation of the Provider Specific attributes and the registration of those hooks.
curam.serviceplans.showResponsibilityOrConcerning The Gantt chart will also display the concerning participant name or responsible participant name next to the planned item name, depending upon the configuration option chosen. This field needs to be configured to 'Responsibility' or 'Concerning' accordingly. This field allows the user to set a configuration option for turning ON or OFF the event at the point of approval of a service plan that would enable the agency to add solution specific validations
curam.serviceplans.closepreviousplanonclone This field enables the user to clone service plan by closing the existing service plan or clone service plan without closing the existing service plan.