Template Cache Configuration

Each job submitted to the XML Server requires an XSL template to be applied to an XML document. Both the template and the document must be supplied by the client. As it is likely that a template may be used more than once, the server can be instructed to store copies of the templates in local files rather than request that the client send a new copy of a template each time it is used.

The cache is enabled using the element <USE_TEMPLATE_CACHE>. The templates are then stored in the directory specified using the TEMPLATE_CACHE_DIR element. Only templates that are supplied to the XMLPrintStream with a template ID and template version number will be cached.

The files in the template cache are not deleted when the XML Server is shut down. They will be reused the next time the server is started. If this behavior is not desired, the <CLEAR_TEMPLATE_CACHE> element will ensure that all files in the template cache directory are deleted on server start up.