
The XML Server has a number of configuration options used to specify how it should work. All the options are set in a configuration file written using XML notation. This file is picked up when the XML Server is started and as such the configuration cannot be changed without stopping and starting the server. There are a number of areas of the operation of the server that can be configured:

These categories are covered in the following sub-sections. The final sub-section presents some samples to help you develop your own configuration files. All the configuration options are enclosed in an XML root element <XML_SERVER_CONFIG>. As with all XML documents, you must ensure that the characters,, <, >, and & used in the values of your options in the configuration file are replaced with their respective character entities: &apos;, &quot;, &lt;, &gt;, and &amp;.

Table 1. Configuration Options






The TCP/IP port number that the XML Server will use to listen for client connections.



A positive integer value specifying the timeout (in milliseconds) on socket operations. If zero value is specified then it will be interpreted as an infinite timeout. If this option is not specified a default value of 60000 milliseconds will be used.


Default Values

The name of the default printer. The format used should be that required by the server command.


Default Values

The name of the default printer tray. The format used should be that required by the server command.


Default Values

The name of the default user. The format used should be that required by the server command.


Default Values

The default e-mail address. The format used should be that required by the server command.


Server Command

The command string to use to process the document. If the command string is empty, no processing will be attempted.


Server Command

Indicate that the output document from the XML Server should be piped to the standard input of the server command when it is executed. One of USE_PIPE or USE_TMP_FILE is required to betrue.


Server Command

Indicate that the output document from the XML Server should be written to a temporary file before the server command is executed. One of USE_PIPE or USE_TMP_FILE is required to betrue.


Server Command

Start a thread to read and discard any data written to standard output by the server command.


Server Command

Start a thread to read and discard any data written to standard error by the server command.


Server Command

Specifies the directory into which temporary files containing the document data should be written. Required only if USE_TMP_FILE wastrue.


Server Command

Specifies the root part of the file name to use to create the temporary file. A sequence number and the appropriate extension will be appended to create the full file name. Required only if USE_TMP_FILE wastrue.


Server Command

The name and location of a FOP configuration file. This can be used to add additional fonts for use when processing PDF files. Consult the Apache FOP documentation for more information.


RenderX Configuration

The name and location of a RenderX configuration file. This is required to initiate the RenderX rendering engine. RenderX can be used as an alternative to Apache FOP. Consult the RenderX documentation for more information.


RenderX Configuration

Specifies how RenderX 's internal logging should be configured. Consult the RenderX documentation for more information.




Indicates that the template cache should be used to avoid having to read templates each time a job is submitted.




The name of the directory in which to store the cached template files. Required only if USE_TEMPLATE_CACHE wastrue.




When the server is started, this option will force all files in the template cache directory to be deleted.



A debug option to echo all data received by the server to the servers standard output.



This option will output statistics for the XML Server in the folder specified by the option.



The amount of threads in the pool.



This can be tuned if needed so that requests are held inside the XMLServer rather than out in the TCP backlog queue. The process memory space required for an accepted TCP/IP connection should be taken into consideration when setting this configuration parameter.



The parent element of <JOB> children elements which specify a job type for the XML Server.



Specifies a job type for the XML Server. Multiple <JOB> elements can be defined, each detailing a new job type and the implementing class.