Custom Configuration

The XML Server provides support for defining custom rendering implementations, which allows the use of third party rendering tools. A custom rendering implementation can be added in the form of a new job type; alternatively the default implementation can be replaced.

By default, the XML Server provides four <JOB> definitions catering for processing four types of documents: HTML, RTF, TEXT, PDF. The default rendering implementations are listed below:

The default document formatting solution uses Apache Formatting Objects Processor (FOP) to define processing for the document types HTML, PDF, RTF, TEXT. This default implementation can be replaced with a custom implementation by implementing the curam.util.xmlserver.DocumentGenerator interface.

Due to FOP 's limited capabilities on processing Right-To-Left (RTL) documents, a second pdf rendering tool can be used to specifically handle RTL documents. This can be done using the direction attribute when defining a <JOB>. This attribute is optional, and only applicable for pdf job type. The possible values it may contain are: rtl and ltr. The default value is ltr.