
This guide presents all aspects of the IBM Cúram Social Program Management XML functionality provided with the Server Development Environment (SDEJ), from modeling to development to runtime management.

XML Concepts provides a brief introduction to XML. Developing for XML presents the application server development infrastructure elements that allow you to create XML documents and send them to the XML Server. The XML Server describes the IBM Cúram Social Program Management XML Server and how it can be used to convert XML data into formatted PDF1, RTF2, HTML3or plain text documents and then manipulate these documents for printing, e-mailing, etc. Cúram XML and XSL Templates describes the XML format used by IBM Cúram Social Program Management and provides instructions on how it can be used to create XSL4templates.

This breakdown should be considered when reading the document as terms may be introduced in an early chapter and detailed in the succeeding chapters, without a specific cross reference being provided.

1 PDF is the Adobe Portable Document Format. For more information about PDF, or to download free software to read PDF files on most platforms, go to the Adobe PDF web site:
2 RTF is the Rich Text Format, a format developed by Microsoft and that can be read by most common work processing applications.
3 HTML means Hypertext Markup Language and is a document format used on the World-Wide Web.
4 XSL means Extensible Stylesheet Language and is a W3C standard defining stylesheets for (and in) XML.