
This chapter will describe edit renderers used to mark up read/write values with HTML. It will expand on the details in the previous chapters by introducing more advanced concepts related to the creation of input controls on HTML forms.

The sample widget presented in this chapter is a text field widget useful for entering sensitive information such as social security numbers (SSN). By default, the TextEditRenderer plug-in class is configured as the edit-renderer for most text and numeric values in the out-of-the-box application. The plug-in displays a HTML text input control. For the input of an SSN, it may be desirable to prevent the web browser from storing the SSN in its cache of entered form data and subsequently providing SSN values using its form field auto-completion feature. Microsoft Internet Explorer supports a non-standard HTML attribute to disable auto-completion of the value of a HTML input control. This autocomplete attribute will likely have no effect in other web browsers, but may be useful in environments where Internet Explorer is used. The sample will show how to render the HTML text input control, integrate it into a form page, and add the new attribute to disable auto-completion in Internet Explorer.