
The customization of the configuration that associates edit-renderer and view-renderer plug-ins with named domain definitions, is supported in the Cúram application. This feature is merely an extension of the existing customization features, presented in the Cúram Web Client Reference Manual, where it describes how plug-ins can be developed for custom data conversion and sorting. That manual also describes the configuration process in detail. The two kinds of renderer plug-in are just to more kinds to add to the existing kinds of domain plug-in. They are configured in the same way and in the same configuration file. Examples are provided in this appendix, but the Cúram Web Client Reference Manual should be consulted for more details.

Component renderers are associated with styles, not domains, so these are configured separately. Styles only support a single kind of plug-in, a component-renderer, so their configuration, which very similar to the domain configuration, is simpler. Styles are not defined in the UML model like domain definitions; they are simply defined by naming them in the configuration file. The creation of custom configuration file for styles and the syntax for defining custom style configurations are described in this appendix.

The configuration process is one of customization, rather than full replacement. The CDEJ provides the default configuration. The developer adds custom configuration files to one or more application components. These custom configurations can override the CDEJ default configuration. As there can be many custom configurations in the application, one per component, these must be merged before they are used to customize the default configuration. Where specific domains or styles in the default configuration are not customized fully or at all, the default configuration is inherited for those domains and styles. The details of this merging and inheritance behavior for domains are described in the Cúram Web Client Reference Manual. This appendix provides additional information about the style configurations.

warning: Purpose -based Configuration

The developer may see domain and style configurations in the default CDEJ configurations that configure domains or styles using a purpose attribute instead of a class attribute. Configuration using purposes is more complex then configuration using named classes and custom configuration using purposes is not supported within the Cúram application; only class-based configuration may be used.

warning: Limitations on Kinds of Plug-ins

The CDEJ domain configuration specifies a kind of plug-in called a select-renderer. The development of custom select-renderer plug-ins is not supported in the Cúram application at this time. No further mention of them is made in this guide.

The configuration of marshal plug-ins for domains is also unsupported outside of the specific cases of the two marshal plug-ins for accessing XML data described in the samples of this guide and in more specific detail in Extending Paths for XML Data Access.

Any references to select-renderer or marshal plug-ins in the Javadoc for CDEJ, or information provided in the Javadoc about their development or configuration, does not constitute an authorization or offer of support for their use.

Several of the CDEJ renderers are defined in classes whose names include the word "Legacy". These are deprecated, transitional renderer classes and the referencing of these legacy renderer classes in custom configurations is not supported in the Cúram application. Note, also, that a rendering cascade will fail if it delegates the rendering of a field whose domain is associated with a legacy renderer. Developers must avoid rendering cascades that may result in the invocation of a legacy renderer.