XML Formats

The meeting view control expects information in a specific XML format. Below is an example of this:

<SCHEDULE MODE="Single|Multiple" TYPE="User"
          READ_ONLY="False" DATE="2003-30-10">
  <USER NAME="John Smith" ID="12345" DURATION="90">
    <BUSY START="2003-30-10 10:30:00" END="2003-30-10 12:30:00"/>
    <BUSY START="2003-30-10 15:45:00" END="2003-30-10 16:15:00"/>
  <USER NAME="James Smith" ID="12346" DURATION="90">
    <BUSY START="2003-30-10 12:30:00" END="2003-30-10 13:30:00"/>
    <BUSY START="2003-30-10 15:00:00" END="2003-30-10 18:15:00"/>

Note that in the format above: the MODE attribute is either Single or Multiple; the DURATION attribute is in minutes; START and END attributes are date-times in the format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". The READ_ONLY attribute, if set to false, indicates that no time slot will be selectable as a hyperlink. The DATE attribute contains the date of the current scheduling and must be supplied. It should be in the format "yyyy-MM-dd". Finally, the TYPE attribute associates the schedule information with configuration settings which are also specified in an XML format as below:

  <CONFIG TYPE="User" INTERVAL="15" START="08:00" END="16:00">
    <USER_HOME PAGE="PersonHome"
               ID_PARAM="UserID" NEW_WINDOW="True" />
    <NEW_EVENT PAGE="AddNewEvent" ID_PARAM="UserID"
               START_PARAM="start" END_PARAM="end" />
    <MULTI_SELECT PAGE="SelectedUsers"
               DATE_PARAM="eventDate" />

Where INTERVAL is the duration in minutes of each segment of the time line. This can be 15, 30, or 60. Only these values are acceptable. The START and END attributes detail the beginning and end times of the time line. They are in the form "HH:mm". Each CONFIG element can have the following sub-elements:

The PAGE attribute details which page to link to when clicking on the user's name. The ID_PARAM attribute is the name of the parameter to supply with the user's ID as a value. NEW_WINDOW attribute, true by default, specifies if the link opens in a new window or not.
The PAGE attribute details which page to link to when clicking on a time slot. The ID_PARAM attribute is the name of the parameter to supply with the user's ID as a value. The START_PARAM attribute is the name of the parameter to supply with the start time of the new event. Similarly, the END_PARAM describes the name of the end time parameter. Both of these attributes will be in the current application's date-time format.
The PAGE attribute details which page to link to when the submit button on the multi-select view is pressed. TAB_STRING_PARAM is the name of the link parameter to supply containing the tab-delimited string of selected users. DATE_PARAM is the name of another link parameter containing the date of the event in question. The date value is taken from the value of the DATE attribute on the SCHEDULE element.