
Dates are mapped to the SVR_DATE domain. Any server access bean containing fields of this type will display a date selector to the user for data input. These selectors are HTML text fields with an adjacent pop-up icon which causes a pop-up menu to be displayed allowing the user to select a date or date time with ease. Note that this functionality is based on JavaScript and it is important that the user have JavaScript enabled in their browser for this selector to work. The appearance of the date selector pop-up can be altered by overriding its dedicated cascading stylesheet. See Cascading Stylesheets for more details. The out-of-the-box date date pop-up dialog has three input controls; a drop-down field for the month, a text input field for the year, and the days of the month are displayed so that a day can be selected. When the day of the month is selected, this will populate the date field.

The date format string associated with date format validations are customizable in the file and defined by the property curam.validation.calendar.dateFormat:

Figure 1. Customizing the Date Format

If this value is not set, the date format string will default to the date format setting specified in the file.