Chart appearance

A bar chart displays a number of rows horizontally with a horizontal and vertical axis. Each row represents a unit of information comprised of a caption and a stack of differently colored bars of variable length. Their length represents the quantity of the unit in question and can be ascertained using the numbered marks on the horizontal axis, or a data tip which is available when you hover over the unit, as described below. The chart scale is chosen to fit the biggest stack of bars (this might be overriden by a configuration setting). Each bar is a hyperlink to a page containing further information. The vertical axis of this chart displays captions, describing each bar stack category. Captions might be dates, date ranges or textual values. They are optionally rendered as hyperlinks leading to pages with additional information, in which case captions are additionally visually indicated when hovered over. Both bar links and caption links are configurable, as described in Chart configuration.

Textual captions might get longer than one line. In such a case long captions are wrapped within the category segment. If a caption text exceeds two lines, though, it is truncated at that point and an additional tool tip with the full label text is displayed when such a label is hovered over.

Both bar links and caption links are configurable, as described in Chart configuration.

A column chart is similar to the bar chart and configurable the same way, except that units of information are displayed in column stacks rather than bars, and axes are interchanged accordingly. It is also possible to configure a column chart so that it has a legend that describes what each of the possible shaded areas in a column represents. The user can hover over a shaded area in a column, which displays what it represents when mapped to an entry in the legend.

Another way of presenting chart information is to use a line chart. In this chart, information is rendered as points in each category group, with points of the same type joined by straight lines (e.g. to represent data changes over time). Line charts differ from bar and column charts in that neither the points nor lines are currently hyperlinks. The same applies to line chart captions.

The last available chart type is a pie chart. Charts of this type are typically used to illustrate relative magnitudes, frequencies or percentages. The arc length of each sector is proportional to the quantity it represents. Together, the sectors create a full disk. Pie charts use callout-like labels, which provide details of the item represented by a sector and its percentage in the pie. Sectors are rendered as hyperlinks, leading to pages with additional information; however, chart labels are not currently available as hyperlinks.

By default, charts are displayed without a legend so that all the available space can be dedicated to the chart itself. However, charts can be configured to include a legend which shows extra information on what is represented by the elements of the chart.

Data tips are displayed on a chart when you hover the mouse over a particular chart data element. Data tips are shown regardless of whether a legend is included or not.

Note: Line charts always display a legend and this is currently not configurable.