UIM Views

A PAGE element can contain an INCLUDE element anywhere at the top level that allows commonly used fragments of UIM to be inserted at that point during translation. The included elements are defined in a UIM document called a view. The view document uses VIEW as the root element. Elements included from a view must be valid in the context in which they have been included. For example, a PAGE element that already contains a PAGE_TITLE element, cannot include a view that also defines a PAGE_TITLE element. Similarly, the schema rules governing the order of elements in a page must be observed when elements are included from a view.

Views are similar to pages in what they can contain, the only differences are as follows:

All other elements that are valid in a PAGE element at the top level, are also valid in a VIEW.

When including views, the name of the view file must be specified. Regardless of where in the component the file including the view is, only the name of the view file is required, not its path.