Dynamic UIM System Initialization

There are two ways in which the Dynamic UIM system can be initialized; when the application is started, or the first time that there is a request for a Dynamic UIM page in the running application. By default the Dynamic UIM system is initialized when the application is started. In order to override the default initialization of the Dynamic UIM system - so that it is initialized when a Dynamic UIM page is first requested - a configuration setting can be added to the ApplicationConfiguration.properties file. This setting follows the same name = value format of all the other entries there. It should be set as follows:

This value should be set to false in order to override the default setting.

If a developer intends to access dynamic UIM pages in the application, then the default initialization of the dynamic UIM system must be used. Otherwise, if the developer is not using dynamic UIM pages and finds their Tomcat start-up time is too slow, the default initialization of the dynamic UIM should be overridden, as described above.