The ACTION_SET element groups a number of ACTION_CONTROL elements together. Depending on the context in which the action set is defined, the action controls will be displayed in differing ways.

At the page level, action controls are displayed at the left side of the page title bar, see the Page Level Action Control in User Interface Element 10 of Application User Interface Overview. If the action set contains two or less action controls, then each link is displayed side by side with a new item icon to the left of it. The SEPARATOR child element has no affect.

If three or more action controls exist at the page level, then a drop down menu will display each action control as a menu item. In this case, the SEPARATOR element inserts a gray separator into the drop down menu at the position indicated in the UIM file.

At the list level, all action controls will be displayed in a menu drop down. The SEPARATOR element inserts a gray separator into the drop down menu.

For action sets defined at the cluster or list level, the action controls can be displayed above and/or below the element with which the action set is associated and are aligned horizontally.

In all scenarios, conditional links that evaluate to false will not display if HIDE_CONDITIONAL_LINKS attribute is set to true, otherwise the conditional link displays but is disabled.