Updating Help for non 'Domain Specific Controls'

In order to update the online help, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Identify the correct property file to edit, in order to update the online help: The help text for a particular page in the application is contained in the property file with the same name. For example, if the online help for the 'Person Search' in the application needs to be updated then this means that some property/properties referenced by the Person_search.uim file will have to be customized. In this case, these properties are contained in a file named Person_search.properties.
  2. Location where to update online help The property file that is being updated should be modified in the 'webclient/components/custom' directory only. E.g. If the 'webclient/components/core/Person/Search/Person_search.properties' needs to be updated, then copy this file straight in to the 'webclient/components/custom' directory. The 'Person/Search' directories don't need to be created in the custom directory.
  3. Modify the relevant property file as described in the earlier sections of this chapter.
  4. Build client after making all the changes. Help is built by default as part of the client build target. The help is generated dynamically at runtime and does not need to be explicitly included in the application.