Introduction to Curam Client Pages

Full Curam developer knowledge is not necessary to develop Curam Online Help content, but a basic familiarity with the development structure is required. Client pages are installed in the webclient/components directory of the Curam installation. Each page has a UIM (User Interface Metadata) file associated with it that defines its content - links, buttons, fields. The UIM file does not contain any actual text - it uses externalized properties files, which map property names to text strings. UIM files may also import VIM files. VIM files are in the same format as UIM files, they basically define a fragment of a UIM file. They also have properties files. The association between the UIM/VIM and the property file is simple - they have the same name, apart from the file extension.

The online help content is composed of extra entries embedded in client property files (the advantages of this are described in Key Features of Curam Online Help). Properties are lines of text of the form:

PropertyName=Value of Property

If a button on a page is labeled in the UIM file with the property Button. Save , the following properties file entry will exist


To explain this in the online help, create another property called Button. Save.Help

Button.Save.Help=Use this button to save.

The online help framework is responsible for generating this into the online help format.