Browser Specific Session Management

The version of the browser used can have an effect on when new sessions are started and when they are shared. Two browser instances that share the same session will result in the same set of open tabs displayed in both instances. This can cause similar interference and unpredictability of the persisted data as with two users using the same login ID from different machines.

Example Session Issue: A user logs into the Cúram application in one browser instance. They then open a new browser tab, which is sharing the same session. From here, they directly access the Cúram login page and login as a different user.

In this situation, they are still logged in as the original user and will see the tabs that were open in the original browser tab.

Within the same browser session, a user must always logout to end the session and be able to login as a new user.

The most common browsers supported are Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8 and they share sessions across browser instances in different ways:

For further information on browser specific behavior, please consult the relevant online documentation.