Working in a Development Environment

In order to load a dynamic UIM page into the resource store, you must add two separate entries to the AppResource.dmx file in the custom component, each entry corresponding to a dynamic UIM file and an associated properties file.

The following is an example of how to add the DUIMSample dynamic UIM page to the AppResource.dmx file, so that it will be loaded into the application resource store at build time.

  <attribute name="resourceid">
  <attribute name="localeIdentifier">
  <attribute name="name">
  <attribute name="contentType">
  <attribute name="contentDisposition">
  <attribute name="content">
  <attribute name="internal">
  <attribute name="lastWritten">
  <attribute name="versionNo">
  <attribute name="category">
  <attribute name="resourceid">
  <attribute name="localeIdentifier">
  <attribute name="name">
  <attribute name="contentType">
  <attribute name="contentDisposition">
  <attribute name="content">
  <attribute name="internal">
  <attribute name="lastWritten">
  <attribute name="versionNo">
  <attribute name="category">
Note: The value of the contentType attribute specifies the location on the file system that each entry (dynamic UIM file and associated properties file) can be uploaded from. The value of the category attribute in the AppResource.dmx categorizes a dynamic UIM page resource so that they can be distinguished from other kinds of resources in the resource store. The dynamic UIM file should be categorized (as shown in the example) as a RS_XML resource. The associated properties file should be categorized as RS_PROP. Each dynamic UIM resource that is added to the AppResource.dmx should also be given the same value so that they all belong to the same category. See the section below for details of how new dynamic UIM pages are loaded into the resource store at runtime. The value of the localeIdentifier attribute should be empty (as in the example) if the user's required locale is English. Otherwise the actual locale should be used as the value for this attribute for both the UIM and properties file.