Outline of the Development Process

Much of the client development process is driven by executing specific build scripts. The following is an outline of the typical steps in the process:

  1. Install the Cúram Application and the Cúram CDEJ. Directions to the installation guide are provided in Installation.
  2. The installer creates both an server application and client application project on your file system containing all the source files. These files will include the application configuration files, the XML-based User Interface Metadata (UIM) for all your pages, any images and other resources that the application requires.
  3. Create and edit your source files (UIM and application configuration files) or customize existing files.
  4. Deploy your application to an application server. During development, this might be a server embedded in your integrated development environment.
  5. Once deployed, you can test your application using a web browser, for example using the following URL:
