Login Pages

A default login page is supplied, called logon.jsp and located in the lib/curam/web/jsp directory of the Cúram Client Development Environment. This can be overridden by placing a copy, with the required changes, in a webclient/components/<custom component>/WebContent folder. However, there are some guidelines that should be followed.

Firstly, the following JavaScript should be included in the head section of the page:

        <jsp:include page="no-dialog.jsp"/>
<script type="text/javascript"
   //script content</script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  function window_onload() {
  return true;

This prevents the login page from being loaded in a dialog window.

Secondly, if it is desired to use the j_security_check login mechanism, the form submitted from the page should have an action attribute of j_security_check, a user name input with the name attribute j_username and a password input with the name attribute j_password.

The Cúram Server Developers Guide contains details of some common customizations to the logon.jsp file to support an external user client application and automatic login.

The styling of logon.jsp can be customized in the usual way. Simply add relevant CSS to any .css file in the custom component.