Application Locales

A locale describes a user's language, country and determines what the user will see in the pages they access via their web browser. While the data will largely remain the same (other than in the details of the formatting of numbers and dates) the labels for the data will appear in the appropriate language. Locales are specified using a simple identifier that contains a two-character, lower-case language code optionally followed by an underscore character and a two-character, upper-case country code. For example, "en" indicates the English language, and "en_US" indicates the regional variation of the English language appropriate for the United States of America. This regional variation may help to identify differences in the dialect or usage of the language, American English in this example, but it may also affect the way dates and numbers are formatted.

The language and country codes have been standardized and support for any specific locale is determined by the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that you are using for you application and whether you have localized your application appropriately for that locale. Consult the documentation provided by the vendor of your JRE for details on the support locales and see Localization for full information on the procedure for localizing a Cúram web client application.

Before building a Cúram application that may have been localized for a number of locales, you need to specify what locales you want to include. To do this, you set the LOCALE_LIST environment variable to a comma-separated list of the locale codes. Use only commas, do not use spaces. For example, "en_US,es" specifies the American English locale and the Spanish locale (with no regional variation). The first locale in the list is treated as the default locale. Certain operations, such as the generation of page previews (see Page Previews), are only performed for the default locale.

Improving Build Performance: The Cúram CDEJ performs most of the translation work for the application's locales during the build process; from a single UIM file it will produce one JSP file for each locale in the locale list. If your application supports many locales, you may find it convenient when developing the application to omit some of the locale codes from the locale list, as this will improve the build performance. You can replace the locales when you want to view or test all of the localized pages.