
The content of the smart panel is defined by a UIM page, referenced by the page-id attribute. Like the context panel, the UIM elements that can be used are limited. See Context Panel UIM for details of the limitations of the smart panel UIM. Refer to User Interface Element 20 of Tabs for an example of a smart panel configured in an application.

Table 1. Attributes of the smart-panel Element
Attribute Description
page-id Mandatory.

A reference to the UIM page that will be displayed in the smart panel of the tab.

title Mandatory.

The text for the title that will be displayed for the smart panel, both when it is expanded and when it is collapsed. The attribute must reference an entry in the associated properties file

width Optional.

The initial width of the smart panel when it is expanded. The default value if this attribute is not set is 250 pixels.

collapsed Optional.

Boolean indicating if the smart panel should be expanded or collapsed by default. The default value if this attribute is not set is true.