Page to Tab Associations

A page is associated with tab based on the navigation configuration for the tab. The navigation for a tab is configured using the navigation element in the tab configuration file (.tab) and also, if defined, the navigation configuration file (.nav). See Tab Navigation and navigation for more information.

Where no tab navigation is defined for a tab, the navigation element defines a single UIM page (via the page-id attribute) that will result in opening the tab. A link to this page will open it in the relevant tab.

Where tab navigation is defined, any UIM page listed using a page-id attribute in the navigation configuration file (.nav) is considered to be associated with the tab. This means that a link to any of these referenced UIM pages will result in opening the relevant tab.

The page to tab association must be unique. This means that a page can be referenced only once by the navigation configuration for a tab. As a result, a navigation configuration cannot be re-used across multiple tabs.

There are a number of exceptions to this rule, but they are limited:

Resolve Pages: It is recommended against using resolve pages1in a navigation configuration. The reason for this is based on how the Cúram client application handles resolve pages and opening new tabs.

When a link to a resolve page is selected, the Cúram client recognises it is a resolve page and executes the content of the JSP_SCRIPTLET. The resulting UIM page that the JSP_SCRIPTLET redirects to is then used to determine what tab the page should be opened in.

1 A resolve page is a specific type of UIM page that contains only a JSP_SCRIPTLET element. See JSP SCRIPTLET for more information.