
A tab typically represents a business object, e.g. a Case or a Participant, though it can also be used to represent a logical grouping of information. Refer to User Interface Element 3 of Tabs for an example of a configured tab in an application.

In addition to the above elements a Tab also supports an optional smart panel. A smart panel is an optional panel, displaying a UIM page, that is added to the right of the content area in a tab. It can be collapsed and expanded, and is collapsed by default. In addition, the size of the smart panel can be increased and decreased when it is expanded. Refer to User Interface Element 20 of Tabs for an example of a smart panel configured in an application.

Finally, a tab supports the ability to dynamically enable/disable and hide/show entries in the tab actions menu, tab navigation bar and page group navigation bar. This dynamic content is updated based on configured refresh events.

A refresh event updates the specified part of the tab based on the submit of a modal dialog page or when a specific UIM page is loaded in the content area. For more information on configuring refresh events consult tab-refresh.