Implementing a new Wait List

A customer who wishes to create their own type of wait list will need administratively to add a new type of wait list. This can be done by adding a custom entry in the WaitListType codetable corresponding to the new wait list type or resource type.

The new resource will need to extend the interface curam.waitlist.impl.Resource and the corresponding implementation class needs to implement the methods defined in the Resource interface. This ensures that the new resource has the necessary methods implemented which are required during creation of a wait list.

The code snippet of the interface which extends the Resource interface:

public interface Provider extends ProviderOrganization, 
    Insertable, OptimisticLockModifiable, Resource { 
    // method declaration goes here

The code snippet of the implementation which implements the Resource interface:

public class ProviderImpl extends 
	ProviderOrganizationImpl<ProviderDtls< implements Provider {
	    public long getResourceID() {
	      return getDtls().providerConcernRoleID;
	    public WAITLISTTYPEEntry getResourceType() {

The necessary APIs to add/modify/cancel a wait list entry, list the history of wait list entries or search a wait list can be obtained in the corresponding Javadoc provided along with the Cúram Enterprise FrameworkCúram Enterprise Framework.