Add Summary View Group to Summary View Configuration

Once the view is created, it is necessary to define the Summary View clusters which are to be displayed. Summary View Clusters are known as groups. Only Summary View groups where information is to be provided from the eligibility decision are defined here. Other clusters which are to be presented on the UIM are defined within the UIM, e.g. header clusters.

Summary View Groups are assigned a type to define the display requirements for the group.

The layout of the groups, i.e, the number of columns, label width is defined within the stylesheet.

There are three types of groups:

Summary View groups are added by selecting the Add Group action from the Summary View Configuration screen.

The Group Name is defined in the code table "SummaryViewGroupName". This can be extended to include new group names.

Note: The Details cluster is not defined as a Summary View Group within the Summary View Configuration. As mentioned previously this is defined in the UIM.