Generated SQL Operations

Non-standard generated SQL operations are similar to the standard operations except that the arguments and return type are not assumed to be standard key and standard details structs. The developer is required to specify a struct for each argument and return type.

The attributes of the argument and return structs must be subsets of the fields of the entity.

The argument structs can be user-defined structs from the input meta-model, or the generated standard structs that are not explicitly defined in the input meta-model. Using generated standard key and details structs as the parameters to non-standard operations is equivalent to simply using standard operations.

It is important to remember that since the key struct of a non-standard generated SQL operation is defined by the developer, it is possible to define a key struct which does not uniquely identify a single record. If this happens, certain operations may not behave as expected. For example, in the case of a non-standard modify operation, all records matching the key will be modified, not just the intended record.

These operations are represented by the following operation stereotypes: