Compress Embedded Spaces

Implemented in the Cúram client application.

It specifies that any extra whitespace1(not all whitespace) embedded in the string, and that all leading and trailing whitespace is removed before being sent to the server.

Extra whitespace consists of a run of whitespace characters immediately after another whitespace character. This means that each run or sequence of whitespace characters is deleted except for the first whitespace character of the run. For example, a pair of words separated by three spaces will be converted to the pair of words separated by one space.

Note that in cases where the first whitespace character is not a space, the results may not be as expected. For example, a pair of words separated by carriage-return, line-feed, space, space will be converted to the pair of words separated by the carriage-return character.

Note also that if this feature is used on multiple line text fields it will remove indentation.

Note: Switching on this option also causes leading and trailing whitespace to be trimmed from the string, regardless of theRemove Leading Spaces andRemove Trailing Spaces option settings.
1 A whitespace character consists of any character for which java.lang.Character. isWhitespace(char) returns true. Such characters include the space character, the tab character and the line-feed character.