TimerTask Class

The class curam.util.timer.TimerTask contains information about the timed operation, such as which server operation to invoke, parameters to pass into it, whether a callback is required, etc. The following table describes the parameters that are available in this class.

Table 1. List of parameters from TimerTask Class
Name Description
methodName Mandatory. The name of the method to invoke when timer expires.
argument Optional. A struct parameter for the method being invoked.
timerName Optional. A name for this timer. This can be used as an identifier to query or cancel a timer.
errorHandlerName Optional. The name of a class, which implements interface TimerCallback which will get called if the timed method fails.
userID Read-only. The ID of the user who started off the task. This gets automatically populated when the timer is started.
taskID Read-only. A unique identifier for each task. This is automatically populated when the timer is requested.
creationTime Read-only. The time at which this timer was requested. This is automatically populated when the timer is requested.
initialDelay Read-only. The initial delay time in milliseconds which was specified when this timer was created.
initialEventTime Read-only. The absolute time of the first event for this timer, or null if none was specified when this timer was created.
Interval Read-only. The repeat interval which was specified when this timer was created, or zero if it is a one event timer.