Extending the Build

This section describes how Ant can be used to introduce new targets, enhance existing targets or override OOTB build targets.

This is achieved by creating a script hierarchy using Ant 's import task and can be seen in the OOTB application. Examples include the build.xml files found in the webclient and EJBServer directories that extend, through an import, the build.xml files from the CuramCDEJ and CuramSDEJ directories respectively.

The delivered build.bat or.sh files invoke Ant against the webclient or EJBServer build.xml. This allows for these build.xml files to introduce new targets not available in the scripts delivered in the CDEJ and SDEJ. It also allows these targets to be enhanced as required due to the principal of the import task, which is that "If a target in the main file is also present in at least one of the imported files, the one from the main file takes precedence".