Identifying deprecation warnings in the build output.

Since the build output has all been directed into the Deprecation<timestamp>.log file, check that file, to ensure that the overall build succeeded. Ant prints either a 'BUILD SUCCESSFUL' marker in the last few lines of that file if all parts of the build completed (or 'BUILD FAILED' if any failed).

Since you have already confirmed that the server, client and database builds complete successfully, the only issues that are expected to cause this target to fail are validation issues. Since the validation of one file has no bearing on the next, the these targets do not stop on a failed validation. They aim to provide as complete a picture as possible by validating all files and only reporting success or failure at the end of the build. So the deprecation information will still be produced for all files that pass validation.

Finally, to get a summary report of all exposure to deprecated artefacts, filter the deprecation.log for the [deprecation] tag. You can use grep or the Windows find utility for this, or your preferred text editor. e.g.:

Figure 1. Getting a Summary Report
grep "\[deprecation\]" Deprecation<timestamp>.log
1> deprecation_summary.log 2>&1
find "[deprecation]" Deprecation<timestamp>.log
1> deprecation_summary.log 2>&1

The resulting deprecation_summary.log file will contain only the deprecation warnings produced by the build.

Tip:: Since some warnings can be broken over more than one line, it is useful to hold on to the original deprecation.log as well.