Working Sets

A common problem in Eclipse is that as the content in your workspace grows it can be overwhelming to navigate through all the directories and difficult to focus on the areas of interest to you. Eclipse solves this through Working Sets which is a way to specify, in a global location, which working set you are currently interacting with. The following views and dialogs in Eclipse support the concept of working sets:

Working sets can be especially useful for example on the Problems View, in terms of viewing what problems relate to your owned code. The following steps detail how to set a working set on the Problems view to only display problems related to thecustom component:

  1. From the Problem View menu select Configure Contents;
  2. In the Configure Contents dialog you must first add a filter from the Configurations panel. Click the New... button and name this filter (e.g. Custom) and click OK. This will create the filter checking it in the Configurations: list. Under Scope: select the On Working Set: Window Working Set radio button and click the Select... button to add a new working set;
  3. In the Select Working Set dialog select the Selected Working Sets radio button and click the New... button;
  4. The New Working Set wizard can then be used to add types to the working sets. In this instance we want to add a Java type and select the custom source directory.
  5. In the Select a working set type panel, select Java from the Working set type: and click the Next > button. In the Java Working Set panel, select items in the Workspace content: list and add them to the Working set content: list using the Add --> button. Use the other buttons in the list to manage the Workspace content: list. Specify a name in the Working set name: text box. Click the Finish button. You can invoke the New Working Set wizard again to create more working sets. Before clicking the OK button to exit the Wizard ensure your Selected Working Sets are checked.
  6. On clicking OK to exit the Configure Contents dialog your Problems View will be updated to only display errors, warnings or informationals relating to the newly created Custom filter.