Other Sources of Information

Information about specific deprecated artefacts, can be found in the artefact itself and also in the 'Notes on Deprecation' section of the Cúram release notes.

In the artefact itself, the deprecated element will be marked as described in Artefact Types that can be Deprecated. This marker includes space for a short 'deprecation comment' about the replacement functionality for the deprecated item and a reference to any associated release note containing more context. To make your analysis easier, Cúram validation and compilation steps will include this comment in the build warning, to save you looking up the deprecated artefact. However, this enhanced build warning is only available from Cúram compilers/validations, the command-line Java compiler does not have equivalent functionality. It is recommended you view Java warnings in your IDE for fast navigation between artefacts.

If the information in the artefact's deprecation comment does not provide enough context, additional information can be found in the Cúram Release Notes. You can search these by the name of the deprecated artefact or by the release note ID referenced in its deprecation comment.