Reading User Preferences

The getUserPreferenceSetID() method is used to retrieve the user preference set ID associated with an external user. If no user preferences exist for an external user, then the default preferences will be used for the external user. The User Preferences chapter in the Cúram Server Developer's Guide should be referenced for further details on user preferences.

 * This method is used to retrieve a set of user preferences
 * associated with an external user. The userPrefSetID is a
 * foreign key to the UserPreferenceInfo table.
 * The UserPreferenceInfo table contains information on
 * the user preferences.
 * @param identifier The identifier of the external user.
 * @return The userPrefSetID for the external user.
 * @throws AppException Generic Exception Signature.
 * @throws InformationalException Generic Exception Signature.
 String getUserPreferenceSetID(final String identifier)
   throws AppException, InformationalException;

The default implementation for this method should return the user preference set ID for the user preferences associated with an external user.