Determining if a User is Internal or External using the UserScope Interface

To support alternative methods for determining if a user is internal or external the custom interface, UserScope , is available. For example, this custom interface could be implemented to determine user type based on additional information, and remove the requirement for unique names between external and internal users.

To provide a custom implementation for determining the type of user, the interface must be implemented. This interface has one method isUserExternal() that determines the type of user. This method should return true if the user is considered external or false indicating the user is internal.

To specify the custom implementation to use the curam.custom.userscope.implementation property must be set in the Application.prx . This should be set to the fully qualified name of the class that implements the UserScope interface.

Note: The curam.custom.userscope.implementation property is not dynamic, and if changed the application must be restarted before the change will take effect.

The isUserExternal() method of the UserScope interface is detailed below: