Determine External User Details

Details for an external user are retrieved by calling the getLoginDetails() method of the interface. These details are returned directly after authentication to direct the external user to the correct application homepage.

 * The implementation of this method should retrieve the
 * details of the user required to redirect them to the correct
 * application page. This information includes the name of the
 * application home page for the user, the default locale for
 * the user and a list of warnings/messages for the user.
 * @param identifier The identifier of the external user.
 * @return The user details, including the application
 *         home page.
 * @throws AppException Generic Exception Signature.
 * @throws InformationalException Generic Exception Signature.
UserLoginDetails getLoginDetails(String identifier)
  throws AppException, InformationalException;

An instance of the class must be created and returned from this method. The following information should be returned using this class: