The Login Page

The default out-of-box login page is represented by the logon.jsp file. This logon.jsp represents the login page for the user to complete form-based login authentication. By default, the logon.jsp file contains the username and password fields. However, the logon.jsp file can be customized to pass an additional parameter by adding the user_type field. This field determines the type of user logging in, i.e., internal or external user. The username, password and user_type (if present) are all passed to the Cúram JAAS login module as part of the authentication process.

The default out-of-the-box logon.jsp file does not have the user_type property set. If this property is omitted, the user is assumed to be internal. When this property is set, it indicates that an external user is logging in. This property can be set to any value other than 'INTERNAL'.