Customization of the Login Page

The logon.jsp file can be customized, i.e. the logon.jsp file can be completely replaced by a custom logon.jsp file, for a number of reasons including the following:

An external user client application is being developed;
If an external user client application is being developed, a new logon.jsp file must be created, as the user type must be set to indicate an external user is logging in. Creating an External User Client Login Page should be referenced for further details.
Automatic login is needed;
Some external user client applications require no user authentication and hence a username and password should not be requested, i.e. in the case of a external public access application. It is not possible to disable authentication, so the best way to achieve this requirement is to write an automatic login script. This is done by customizing the logon.jsp file for the external public access application. Creating an External User Client Automatic Login Page should be referenced for further details.
Different styling is required;
The section on Login Pages in the Cúram Web Client Reference Manual should be referenced for further details on styling for the logon.jsp file.
A requirement exists for usernames to contain extended characters (valid only for Oracle WebLogic Server).
WebLogic Server provides a proprietary attribute, j_character_encoding , which must be added to the logon.jsp file. Enabling Usernames With Extended Characters for WebLogic Server should be consulted for further details.