Alternate Login IDs

By default, Cúram utilizes the username and digested password stored in the Users table for authentication. This username is immutable, once created it cannot be changed. This lack of flexibility may not meet requirements for some installations. However, you have the option of using a login ID, which can be updated, instead of the immutable username. The login ID functions as a logical extension of the Cúram Users table. When the alternate login ID is used the username still exists and is used internally by Cúram, but the user logs into Cúram using the login ID.

Things to note when using the alternate login ID:

To enable the use of the alternate login ID, once you've populated the ExtendedUsersInfo table, set the property to true (see the Cúram Server Developer's Guide for more information on Cúram properties). This is a static property and Cúram must be restarted for it to take effect.

To populate the ExtendedUsersInfo table before activating the feature you have a number of options; for instance: