Import Taxonomy File

The process of uploading an external taxonomy file and storing it in the database is called Taxonomy Import Process (TIP). During the process, a single XML file from the database is broken into small, manageable XML chunks. This is done based on the cardinality (one to one, one to many or many to many) of the XML elements defined in that file. These small chunks of XML files (henceforth, called as Cúram Taxonomy files) are created based on criteria like common data shared across various elements.

For example, in AIRS Taxonomy, the Related Concept term elements are shared across Taxonomy term elements. Hence, the TIP creates separate Cúram Taxonomy File for each Related Concept element. Similarly, it also creates separate Cúram Taxonomy Files for each Taxonomy term, Use Reference term (alias for taxonomy term name) etc. These files are stored in the database tables for further processing.

Refer to Appendix B for the structure of Cúram Taxonomy files.

Taxonomy Import Process uses the Java -XML binding mechanism to create and publish Cúram Taxonomy Files. The start from Java and XML approach is used for marshaling and un-marshaling XML data from Java to XML and vice-versa, using a mapping XML file. This mapping XML file plays a key role in marshaling/un-marshaling. Published taxonomy is stored in the database. The naming convention for the taxonomy database tables is based on the XML elements defined in the AIRS XML file.

If you want to import your own taxonomy XML file (i.e. other than AIRs taxonomy file) and leverage existing CPM taxonomy subsystem, you should map your XML elements to appropriate elements of the AIRs taxonomy file using Mapping file (refer to Appendix A for TaxonomyMapping.xml) mentioned above. CPM Taxonomy customization can be done in different ways

Note: Currently taxonomy system supports ASCII and UTF-8 encoding, provided encoding format of the database also same