Service Delivery Events

The following events are located in the curam.servicedelivery.impl.ServiceDeliveryEstimatedCost interface.

Table 1. Service Delivery Event Details.

This table describes Service Delivery Events

Event Class


Event is raised before and after

ServiceDeliveryEstimatedCostDetermineRateEvents Raised when the rate for the Service Offering is determined. curam.servicedelivery.impl.ServiceDeliveryEstimatedCost.determineRate()
ServiceDeliveryEstimatedCostDetermineRateWithFrequencyEvents Raised when the rate for the Service Offering is determined for each service occurrence date. curam.servicedelivery.impl.ServiceDeliveryEstimatedCost.determineRateWithFrequency()

The following events are located in the curam.servicedelivery.impl.ServiceDelivery interface.

Table 2. Service Delivery Event Details.

This table describes Service Delivery Events

Event Class


Event is raised before and after

ServiceDeliverySubmitEvents Raised when the Service Delivery is submitted. curam.servicedelivery.impl.ServiceDelivery.submit()

The following events are located in the curam.servicedeliveryevaluation.impl.ServiceDeliveryEvaluation interface.

Table 3. Service Delivery Event Details.

This table describes Service Delivery Events

Event Class


Event is raised before and after

ServiceDeliveryEvalCalculateOutcomeForServiceDeliveryEvalEvents Raised when the outcome for a Service Delivery Evaluation is calculated. curam.servicedeliveryevaluation.impl.ServiceDeliveryEvaluation.calculateOutcomeForServiceDeliveryEvaluation()