
Placement is a type of service, in which a client is physically placed with the Provider for a period of time. Once a placement service is authorized, a client can be placed with the provider and financials will be started from day one. The unit of measure for the placement will be always a number of days. These placement details will be considered as evidence for processing the placement related financials.

A product delivery case of type Provider Placement is created the first time a placement is made with a provider. The system creates one PD case for each Placement. When a client is transferred within a Provider facility (i.e. form one place to another), this also creates a new product delivery case.

The delivery pattern on the product delivery case is set to a value specified in the property administration section of CPM administration.

For example, if a placement is made for a provider for the first time on June 15th, for the period from June 1st till June 30th, and the frequency is set to the first day of every month, the product delivery case is created on June 15th and the evidence data is set to June 1st till June 30th. The first payment due date is set to July 1st.