Provider Implementations

Table 1. Provider Implementations.

This table describes customizable implementations.




Provider Enrollment Date curam.provider.impl.Provider This interface allows agencies to enroll a Provider or Provider Group in CPM with an enrollment date which is in the past. This allows the agency to use the original date of enrollment while enrolling providers. The default implementation is to use the current date.
Provider Reference Number curam.provider.impl.ProviderReferenceNumberStrategy This interface allows agencies to generate Provider Reference Numbers according to their preferred format.
Provider Group Reference Number curam.provider.impl.ProviderGroupReferenceNumberGenerator This interface allows agencies to generate Provider Group Reference Numbers according to their preferred format.
Provider Enquiry Reference Number curam.provider.impl.ProviderEnquiryReferenceNumberGenerator This interface allows agencies to generate Provider Enquiry Reference Numbers according to their preferred format.
License Reference Number Generation curam.provider.impl.LicenseNumberGenerator This interface allows agencies to generate License Reference Numbers according to their preferred format.
Home Study Recommendation Approval curam.provider.impl.ProviderSecurity This interface allows agencies to designate a specific user or a group of users (an organization unit, users in a particular position or with a particular job, etc.) who can approve or reject a home study recommendation.
Provider Offering Approval Criteria curam.providerservice.impl.ProviderOfferingApprovalCriteria This interface allows agencies to specify criteria which need to be met in order to approve a service offered by a provider.
Service Offering Validation curam.serviceoffering.impl.ServiceOfferingValidation A ServiceOfferingValidation class is used for managing the validations for a service. The default implementation of this interface is provided by ServiceOfferingValidationImpl. A new implementation of this interface is required to change the mechanism used to manage the validations for a service. This interface allows agencies to backdate the start date of a service offering. This may be useful when an agency is unable to add all provider services at the time of enrollment. This interface allows the agency to add a service at a later stage, and indicate that it has always been offered by the provider. The default date can be overridden on case-by-case basis.
External User Password curam.externaluseraccess.impl.ExternalUserPasswordStrategy This interface allows agencies to implement a particular strategy for allocating passwords, at the point at which they generate the initial password for a new external user account, or generate a replacement password for a user who has forgotten password and needs to re-establish credentials with the agency.
Provider Member Offering Training Criteria curam.provider.impl.ProviderMemberOfferingTrainingCriteria This interface allows agencies to change the default functionality when a provider offering with training requirements is approved. For example, the agency may wish to prevent the approval of a provider offering, if the training requirements for the service are neither 'Complete' nor 'Waived', rather than sending a notification.