Custom Rates and Reassessment

Table 1. Custom Rates and Reassessment Implementations.

This table describes custom rates and reassessment implementations




Applicable Rate Listener This business interface is used for re-assessment of payments for a given period for a service authorization line item/placement/service invoice line item/provider roster line item. There are two APIs present in ApplicableRateListener having same name as "reAssess" but with different input types.

1. reassess API having inputs as Service Authorization Line Item and date range is used when no detailed product information is available and only Service Authorization Line Item is known. It searches to retrieve matching Service Invoice Line items, Placements and Provider Roster Line Items for the given Service Authorization Line Item and then it calls the suitable API present in ApplicableRateProcessor API to process the change of rate for any given input(placement /SILI/PRLI) and reassess the payment.

2. reassess API having inputs as Delivery Evidence Information of the product and date range is used when more product level information is available and the type of service is known. Depending on the product type it calls the suitable API present in ApplicableRateProcessor API to process the change of rate for any given input(placement /SILI/PRLI) and reassess the payment.

Applicable Rate Processor An ApplicableRateProcessor class is used for reassessment of payments triggered by the change in rates. The default implementation of this interface is provided by ApplicableRateProcessorImpl. A new implementation of this interface is required to change the mechanism used to calculate the reassessed payment amount, due to the change in rates for the reassessment period. This interface allows agencies to process the change of rate for any given input (placement/SILI/PRLI) and reassess the payment. There are three APIs present in ApplicableRateProcessor named processRateChangeForPlacement, processRateChangeForPRLI and processRateChangeForSILI respectively. All these APIs are having inputs as type of service (Placement, SILI, PRLI) and the reassessment period. It processes the change of rate for any given input(placement /SILI/PRLI) and reassess the payment.
Service Delivery Rate Determination A RateDetermination class is used for retrieving the rates for the given period and product delivery. The default implementation of this interface is provided by RateDeterminationImpl. A new implementation of this interface is required to change the strategy to determine the rates for a given delivery type (placement, invoice, or attendance) for a given period of time. For example, the applicable rates for a service can be determined using a custom rate calculation logic which may reference variables that do not reside within CPM, such as the number of children in a family.