Manual Application Deployment

To install an enterprise application in WebSphere, the Administration Console can be used. The steps below describe how to install an application, EJB component, or Web module using the Administrative Console.

Note: Once the install has been started, the Cancel button must be used to exit if the installation of the application is aborted. It is not sufficient to simply move to another Administrative Console page without first clicking Cancel on an application installation page.
  1. Navigate to Applications > New Application;
  2. Select New Enterprise Application;
  3. Click the appropriate radio button and specify the full path name of the source application file or EAR file, optionally via the Browse button, in the Path to the new application panel and click Next;

    The default location for the application EAR files is:


  4. Select the Fast Path - Prompt only when additional information is required radio button in the How do you want to install the application? panel and click Next;
  5. Leave the defaults as they are for step 1, Select installation options and click Next;
  6. In step 2, Map modules to servers, for every module listed, select a target server or a cluster from the Clusters and Servers list. To do this, tick the check box beside the particular module(s) and then select the server or cluster and click Apply.
  7. Click Next and then Finish to complete the installation. This step may take a few minutes and should finish with the message Application Curam installed successfully.
  8. Save the changes to the Master Configuration. (See Save the Master Configuration for more details.)
  9. Navigate to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications and select the newly installed application.
  10. Select the Class loading and update detection option from the Detail Properties section.
  11. Set the Class loader order to be Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last).
  12. Set the WAR class loader policy to be Single class loader for application.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Select the Security role to user/group mapping option from the Detail Properties section and map the mdbuser role to a username and password as per these steps:
    Note: The username you use to map to the mdbuser role must already be defined in your user registry.
    1. Check Select for the mdbuser role and click Map users;
    2. Enter the appropriate username in the Search String field and click Search;
    3. Select the ID from the Available: list and click >> to add it to the Selected: list and click OK.
    4. Click OK.
  15. Having mapped the mdbuser role you can now update the user RunAs role by selecting the User RunAs roles option from the Detail Properties section.
  16. Enter an appropriate username and password in the username and password fields, respectively. Check Select for the mdbuser role and click Apply.
  17. Click OK.
  18. Save the changes to the master configuration.
  19. After deployment it is necessary to start the application before it can be used. Navigate to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, tick the check box for the newly installed application, and click the Start button. This step may take a few minutes and should finish with the application status changing to indicate it has been started.
  20. Finally, test the application deployment. For example, point a Web browser at the URL for the deployed application e.g. https://localhost:9044/Curam.