Configuring Cúram Portlet content

After the CuramPortlets.war file has been generated, the content of the Cúram portlets must be configured before they are ready to deploy.

The following steps describe how to configure the content of a Cúram portlet:

  1. Log into the Admin application
  2. Navigate to Personalised Pod Pages

    Select the "Personalised Pod Pages" link from the "User Interface" Category from the Shortcut Panel.

  3. Configure a Personal page

    Select the "New Personalised Page.." page action control. This action will cause a modal dialog page to appear with a wizard progress bar.

    On the wizard progress bar on the modal dialog page there are a number of steps which must be completed as follows:

    • Page ID

      On the first step of the wizard enter the same page ID that has been specified for the particular Cúram portlet that is being configured. For example, if the content of the QuickLinksPortlet portlet is being configured - as specified in the value of the portlet.ids property key in the file, then "QuickLinksPortlet" must be entered into the text input field provided. See ID of Cúram portlets listed in Table 1.

    • User Role

      On the second step of the wizard select the "SUPERROLE" option using the radio button.

    • Available Pods

      On the third step of the wizard, you need to select the appropriate pod from a list (by ticking the relevant checkbox), so that the correct pod content will be displayed within a particular Cúram portlet. The following table describes which pod name should be selected, based on the Cúram portlet (by ID) being configured:

      Table 1. Selecting Cúram Pod
      Cúram Portlet ID Cúram Pod Name
      MyTasksPortlet My Tasks
      QuickLinksPortlet Quicks Links
      MyAppointmentsPortlet My Appointments
      WorkQueuesPortlet Work Queues
      RecentNotiPortlet Recent Notifcations
      OrgSummaryPortlet Organization Summary
      MyCurrentCasesPortlet My Current Cases
      MyTasksChartPortlet My Task Charts
      CaseloadSummaryPortlet My Case Summary
    • Default Pods

      On the fourth step of the wizard select the option presented by ticking the checkbox.

    • Page Layout
      On the final step of the wizard enter 1 in the text input field and click on the "Save" button to complete the configuration for the portlet.
      Layout issues: If text other than 1 is entered into the text input field provided, then layout issues will manifest themselves when the Cúram portlets are deployed.