Pod Dimensions

The dimensions of a Pod are not directly specified by a Pod. This allows Pods to dynamically resize to fit their environment and facilitates the re-use of Pods across Pod containers.

Pod Height
The height of each Pod is determined by its content. A Pod's height will extend to display it's content.
Pod Width
The width of a Pod is determined by the container it is being displayed in. Each Pod container is configured with a number of equally sized columns. The Pod width will dynamically size to fill the width of the column it is placed in.
Tip: When deciding on a layout for your Pod page we recommend you consider the type of Pods you will be adding to the container and how they might be affected by resizing. Many of the predefined Pods are optimally sized for a 3 column layout. Using alternate layouts may distort the content of the Pods and visually this could detract from the page.