Localizing the Pod

Create a new file called 'MyFavouriteMovies.properties' in a folder called 'i18n' under the javasource/sample folder in the webclient project (If you haven't already created that folder you can do so now). In the file add the key pod.title with the value 'My Top Movies' which will distinguish it from the current title.

Figure 1. MyFavouriteMovie.properties
pod.title=My Top Movies

Update the code used to construct our Pod by setting a text resource and use the property key for the title of the Pod.

Figure 2. MyFavouriteMovies.java, sourcing the Pod title from a properties file
005      moviesPod.setTextResource("sample.i18n.MyFavouriteMovies");
006      moviesPod.setTitle("pod.title");

Compile the PodLoader class, build the client target and launch the application. When the Pod is loaded you will see the new title "My Top Movied" which has been read from the properties file.

Now we have a localizable Pod title! Lets do some more...